Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's a .........


Andrew, Landon & I are excited to announce that Landon is going to have a little sister! We are so anxious for this new addition! We finally get to use our coveted name, Macy Claire. They upped my due date to October 29th so hopefully Macy can have her own special day. Right after swimming lessons I headed out to my favorite 2nd hands kid store, Kid 2 Kid in Scottsdale to buy some adorable girl clothing! Macy is already spoiled!

We are staying busy working and enjoying every minute we have with our sweet little Landon!

Landon started swimming lessons today! He took 2 sessions last summer, but then again he was only 6 months old=) He enjoys the water but is still afraid of the unknown. Our hope is that by next summer mommy and lil' Macy can take swimmming lessons together while Landon is a big boy and takes lessons all by himself! Wish us luck!

Our ward just split, I think this is the third time since we have lived out here in the good ole QC! Or maybe just twice but our stake split also in the 3 1/2 years we been here. It's wonderful to see all the growth and especially within the church! I was so excited thinking I could get released from my calling as a relief society teacher with the split but to no avail within the first few days after the split, I was contacted by my new RS president asking if I would continue. I guess the Lord has more in store that I need to learn =) I'll gladly do so!

Landon is definately ALL BOY! He has more energy than any of us know what to do with! We are looking forward to the first week of July, as it will be Landon's 1st week in nursery! I will most definately miss him but look forward to actually being able to listen in sunday school as well as RS. He's so cute and sweet! I'lltry to get some new pics posted soon!